#Animation Educators Forum (#AEF) Blog
For those of you educators who were fans of Tom Sito’s history blogs on the Animation Educators Website, rejoice! After a long hiatus, Tom is back on the job listing animation related events.
From movie trivia to animation and world history, Tom’s blog is sure to entertain and educate! To view the blog, you can visit it by going here: http://animationeducatorsforum.blogspot.com/
The Animation Educators Forum (AEF)
Sponsored by ASIFA-Hollywood, AEF is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of animation through education. Their members, with their diverse backgrounds in both the animation and educational fields, are focused on extending their knowledge and experience to others within the burgeoning animation community, worldwide.
The AEF has begun a dialogue, communicating communicated with many instructors across the USA, and now is reaching out beyond our borders. Teachers from Toronto to Singapore have expressed interest. All who are engaged in this unique form of instruction need not toil alone. They are welcoming new ideas and new members and look forward to lively, inspired and valuable communication going forward!
To visit AEF’s official website click here.