This spring, for the first time in almost a decade, comedy icon Jack Black returns to his role as Po, the world’s most unlikely kung fu master, with a hilarious, butt-kicking new chapter in DreamWorks Animation’s beloved action-comedy franchise: Kung Fu Panda 4.
The screening will be followed by a Q&A with Director Mike Mitchell, Producer Rebecca Huntley, Co-Director Stephanie Ma Stine, Head of Character Animation Sean Sexton, and Head of Effects Jason Mayer, moderated by Jazz Tangcay.
Rated PG, Runtime: 94 minutes
To become an ASIFA-Hollywood member and RSVP for this screening, please email
This spring, for the first time in almost a decade, comedy icon Jack Black returns to his role as Po, the world’s most unlikely kung fu master, with a hilarious, butt-kicking new chapter in DreamWorks Animation’s beloved action-comedy franchise: Kung Fu Panda 4.
The screening will be followed by a Q&A with Director Mike Mitchell, Producer Rebecca Huntley, Co-Director Stephanie Ma Stine, Head of Character Animation Sean Sexton, and Head of Effects Jason Mayer, moderated by Jazz Tangcay.
Rated PG, Runtime: 94 minutes
To become an ASIFA-Hollywood member and RSVP for this screening, please email .