A Message from Ukraine Studio Animagrad
Please take a look at their video message from Iryna Kostyuk and the Ukrainian animation studio Animagrad.
The studio is now at the final stages of production on the Ukrainian release of MAVKA: THE FOREST SONG based the country’s myths and legends, featuring a strong and unique female character, longing for peace and balance in her world. View the film’s trailer below.
Despite the war, the animation team has rearranged the workflow and are working from bomb shelters, displaced locations, anyplace they can. Iryna and her crew have put together a little video, below, about this uneasy process.
MAVKA will be delivered as planned this September, though the date of domestic release remains unclear; they are waiting for victory and a peaceful life when the theaters will open their doors.
The Animagrad Studio only asks your support in spreading awareness about MAVKA and the work they’ve been doing for so long and now during war. Especially at this time, it’s a story the world needs to know about. We encourage you to take just a few minutes to watch this video to its conclusion.