ASIFA-Hollywood’s Animation Educators Forum Has Released the Class Of 2020 Animation Virtual Showcase
“This is a groundbreaking initiative and probably a world first. It’s so good to see all the positives that come out of adversity.”
-Jack Parry, Deakin University, Australia
ASIFA-Hollywood’s Animation Educators Forum (AEF) has released the Class of 2020 Animation Virtual Showcase highlighting creative work and final projects from 29 schools in 17 states, 6 countries, and 4 continents!
A New Screening Format For A Changing World
The showcase is the response to limitations, placed by the current COVID 19 situation, on graduating animation students’ ability to exhibit and screen their final projects. This showcase is a venue for celebration and exposure of their accomplishments. Further, industry recruiters can gain access to current student work and enhance local college recruitment opportunities.
The showcase is now available on the AEF website. ASIFA-Hollywood sponsors AEF and contributed funding to assist with the development of this showcase.