ASIFA Membership Drive Continues… What’s Your Membership Status?
Many current memberships lapse this time of year and you may have received a warning note from us that it is time to renew. If you are a corporate sponsored member, your studio is probably beginning to compile its roster of new and returning enrollees right now.
Whether you are an Associate or Pro-level Member of ASIFA-Hollywood, this is a good time of year to review and renew your membership but, in light of the upcoming “Award Season,” the following information is especially applicable to our pro-level members.
As a professional level member, even if you have not received a renewal notice and are certain that you’re a current member in good standing, please take a moment today to check your account. This is easy to do. Just go to the login page, sign in and take a look. If your contact information is out of date or in error, it is easy to edit.
The studios and marketing companies send out the award screeners and other “for your consideration” materials once ASIFA-Hollywood simply sends our most updated mailing lists to the studio fulfillment services. So, in order to receive all of this years “FYC” materials such as screeners, industry screening invitations, calendars, etc., you must be on the membership roster as a current, pro-level member. Your preferred postal and e-mail addresses must be correct as well.
Important! To be eligible to vote for this year’s Annie Awards, you must be a pro-level member in good standing by November 21 and your membership must continue at least through January 2016. This year, we have a late membership deadline of December 16 that will still allow you to vote, but you will not see any screeners unless you are enrolled by the earlier November 21 deadline. You must also be approved to vote. (See next article.)
Associate members cannot vote for the Annies and are generally not included on the “for your consideration” mailing lists.