Distributing Your Animation Content in Brazil? The Rio Content Market Could be a Place to Start
The U.S. Department of Commerce will host a delegation from March 9-11 to introduce U.S. television producers to key decision makers in Brazil’s media and entertainment industry, during the Rio Content Market International Event.
Rio Content Highlights:
- Pre-event counseling and preparation, including assistance in arranging meetings;
- Pre-event country and industry specific market briefing;
- Individual business matchmaking meetings with potential Brazilian partners;
- Networking reception with industry leaders;
- Post-event assistance with follow-up.
Event Application Deadline is February 5
For more information contact:
Michael.Muth@trade.gov, Commercial Officer +55 21 3823-2420
Genard.Burity@trade.gov, Commercial Specialist +55 21 3823-2401
Visit the official website for more event information
U.S. Consulate-Rio de Janeiro Event partners: American Chamber of Commerce of Rio de Janeiro & Brazil California Chamber of Commerce