The 14th Annual Animation Show of Shows
The Animation Show of Shows is a traveling selection of the year’s best animated short films, curated and presented by Acme Filmworks’ founder Ron Diamond. This year’s films include are John Kahrs Disney short PAPERMAN (USA), Till Nowak’s hysterical THE BRAIN CENTRIFUGE PROJECT (Germany), Michele Lemieux’s NFB pinscreen masterpiece HERE AND THE GREAT ELSEWHERE (Canada), Pixar’s Carlo Vogele’s independent fish tale UNA FURTIVA LAGRIMA (USA), Russian Dmitry Geller and the students at Jilin Animation Institute’s I SAW MICE BURYING A CAT (China), Martin Zivocky’s stunning graduation film THE CASE (Czech Republic), Martin Georgiev’s intense 7596 FRAMES (Bulgaria), Supinfocom’s Antoine Robert, Dorianne Fibleuil, Paulin Cointot and Maud Sertour’s surreal comedy LE TAXIDERMISTE (France), Israel’s Tomer Eshed’s 3D over-the-top FLAMINGO PRIDE (Germany), Warner Bros. newest short, Matt O’Callaghan’s DAFFY’S RHAPSODY (USA). On the edgier side, Emma de Swaef and Marc Marc James Roels OH WILLY! (Belgium), and Supinfocom’s film by Loris Accaries, Marie Ayme, Claire Baudean and Audrey Janvier TENTATION (France). Finally Michaela Pavlatova’s sexual fantasy on a TRAM (Czech Republic).
PARENTAL ADVISORY: part of the program may not be suitable for children.
Friday, October 19th at 7:00 p.m.
DreamWorks Animation
1000 Flower Street
Glendale California 91201
Request a confirmation for you and one guest at, include the theater, date and time in the subject and in the message include your name, and that of your guest with both of your emails and cell numbers. RSVPs will be checked at the door.